Leadership is one of the most important requirements for successful, compatible and appropriate economic development, which is exemplified by one of our key economic development philosophies:
That local government is sometimes an obstacle to economic development, and it often needs to be. That local government has more than economic conditions to worry about, there is the health, safety and welfare of the community. There is quality of life and quality of place. Leadership in economic development works to align economic development objectives, and more importantly, implementation, with community values, vision and brand. Growth for growth’s sake is not an economic development philosophy, it is the ideology of the cancer cell.
In Miami Shores, Florida there is currently a debate regarding the rezoning of a property on Biscayne Boulevard to accommodate a gas station and a small commercial building. I offered my opinion on this proposal yesterday.

Learn more about Governing for Economic Development from our book by the same title. Available in eBook or Paperback in English and Spanish.
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